1. Rome was founded in 753 BC.
2. Rome became the capital city of a unified Italy in 1870 after taking the title from Florence.
3. Rome is the largest City in Italy.
4. The population of the city of Rome is around 2.9 million.
5. Rome was built on the seven hills, a term coined to describe the Capitoline, Quirinal, Viminal, Esquiline, Caelian, Aventine and Palatine hills surrounding the old community.
6. Rome is the home of the Colosseum.
7. Rome is known as the “Eternal city” and also “Caput Mundi,” coming from Latin and meaning capital of the world.
8. Rome is located in central Italy in the Lazio region. The city is bordered by the Tiber River and lies about 15 miles from the Tyrrhenian Sea.
9. Modern Rome has 280 fountains and more than 900 churches.
10. Every night at the Trevi Fountain about 3,000 Euros are swept up from the bottom of the basin.